Until July 2015, he was the editor-in-chief of Czech Radio Plus. Prior to that, he led Czech Radio 6.
Before that he worked for Radio Free Europe (RFE) for many years, in both its Czech and Slovak broadcasting.
Since the split of Czechoslovakia in 1993 he was the Bratislava correspondent working for the Czech section of Radio Free Europe. When RFE moved from Munich to Prague in 1995, he joined the Slovak desk, commenting on international politics.
In 2004 he joined Czech Public Radio, continued to write about international politics. For three and half years he was also responsible for religious broadcasting in the Czech Radio.
While in Slovakia, he also wrote for a weekly named Domino, which published his profile interviews with interesting personalities.
He has published several books and recordings.
Interesting Tidbits
Musical: Star
Star is a musical about a world that will soon radically change. The people and the rulers don't know it yet, but something fundamental is in the air. The world will never be the same again. Our story takes place in "year zero", at the beginning of our era. Ancient Rome is ruled by the popular emperor Augustus, while Jerusalem is ruled by the much hated king Herod. Augustus is at the pinnacle, building a mighty empire that should last a thousand years. Herod, on the other hand, is at the end of his life, going insane, and desperately trying to prolong his reign of tyranny. Unexpected problems arise for both. Meanwhile, somewhere in the east, three wise men notice an unusual star in the sky. They set out on an uncertain journey to follow her. Storyline of the musical Star is here.
Nová Cvernovka - Book launch for Song and Windmills
Two new books (both containing audiobooks), Song and Windmills, were officially launched at an artistically renovated industrial space in Bratislava’s Nová Cvernovka. Publisher Porta libri chose this popular venue partly because the event was combined with an exhibition of various artworks: images from Song, a hanging and moving piece, an installation of biblical poetry and a visual projection of Windmills and Song. More here.
Books and CDs
Song – A book with an audiobook
The spiritual world. An invisible reality around us and in our core. A desire to touch the heavens. Searching for that which is greater than us, examining the depths of one’s own soul. Heading to the meaning of all being. Delicate and minimalist texts from Song were beautifully published simultaneously with Windmills. Each book stands on its own, but together they create one whole piece. Song contains illustrations by Kateřina Bittmanová and an accompanying audiobook CD with music by Hubert Bittman, and famous voices of Viktor Preiss and Lukáš Hlavica. Published by Porta libri.
Windmills - book and audiobook
Mystery, mind reading, a flying carpet, love, friendship, dandelion wine, midnight blues. Humor, nostalgia, wisdom, the search for the meaning of life, and most of all, an infectious joie de vivre. All this is Windmills. They were beautifully published with original illustrations by Jaro Beliš and the publication is accompanied by an audiobook recording done with well known Czech actors, Viktor Preiss and Lukáš Hlavica. All music was written by Hubert Bittman, including the bonus track, Midnight Blues, at the end. The book was published by Porta Libri.
Audiobook: Job – Man judges God
The old book in a new rewritten poetic form. Original music was composed by Grammy Award winner Hubert Bittman. The recording, directed by Lukáš Hlavica, was made with well-known Czech actors. In this version, the story of Job is surprisingly current. When you listen to it, you begin to see the old text in completely new light.

Book: Psalms – David and his blues
Psalms were originaly songs. Their musical side was lost, what we have now is only the text. But what we can be sure of is that they were artistically very impressive. They had a style. The „godfather“ of that style is king David, although many psalms are accredited to others. The psalms are his antient blues. For him, it was no theory, rather an existential statement between life and death.
Audiobook: Song of Songs
One of the most optimistic and most positive books ever written. Song of Songs is full of hope, expectations and love. Thanks to a new paraphrase, imaginative direction and impressive music, it is incredibly lively. You can experience its beauty and atmosphere in a completly new way. Whether it is considered love poetry or a text with spiritual meaning, its message is clear: love gives meaning to everything around us.

Book: Song
A book of spiritual poetry. Part of it was written during communism and published as a „samizdat“, which was an unofficial underground publishing system during the totalitarian regime. It reflects the atmosphere and faith of the times of oppression. After the fall of communism (in 1989), Daniel Raus added new parts to the book. It was published in Czech and English in 2000.
Book: Job – Man judges God
There are moments when we feel like we are losing everything. The book of Job is about these moments. It is also written in a very interesting form, resembling ancient theater at some points. One of the main parts of the book is a discussion between Job and his friends about pain and suffering. The ending of the book is surprising indeed.