CD: Song of Songs – Fifty shades of love
Song of Songs was recorded as an audiobook after the succesful recording of the Book of Job. In their atmosphere, the two could not be more diferent. If Job deals with the heavy question of suffering and the deepest bottom one can experience, Song of Songs is about the happiest emotions at our highest.
Yet, it is anything but superficial. The director, Lukáš Hlavica, chose actors from different generations to illustrate that love accompanies one through all stages of life, from a young age to adult years, to our most senior chapter.
The message is always the same: Love is fascinating. It is expressed by the youngest actress Magdaléna Borová, by Dana Černá, Taťjana Medvecká and in the same way by Věra Kubánková who was 91 at the time of recording. This was her last work on the microphone, she died several weeks before the publishing of the CD.
Song of Songs is the only book in the Bible, where the woman speaks more then the man. It is so to say the „woman’s book“, which is reflected in the recording and on the cover of CD. Yet, the male actors also play a very important part. They represent different generations as well.
Music is composed and recorded by Grammy Award winner Hubert Bittman.
Věra Kubánková, Taťjana Medvecká, Dana Černá, Magdaléna Borová
Petr Pelzer, Viktor Preiss, Petr Lněnička, Matouš Ruml
Producer and publisher: energeia o.p.s. Sample (7 minutes in Czech with English subtitles)
Pictures from the recording
Other recordings of Biblical poetry:
Job – Man judges God
Eclesiastes – Solomons grail
Psalms – David and his blues
Proverbs – Visdom and her banquet