Book of Job - Illustrations









The team that worked on the Biblical poetry books paid great attention to the visual concept of every publication. The concept of the book of Job was the topic of many discussions and was changed considerably several times. The goal was to depict this figure in a non-conventional way.

The classic image of Job shows him as a wreck of a human being, calling out for compassion. Yet the subtitle of this paraphrase focuses on one key moment of the book – when Job challenges God to a trial (Man judges God). This is why the author of the illustrations for the book, Miro Pogran, moved away from the classic depiction to a Job, who is suffering but also in revolt.

This concept also led to a change in the colors that were being used – from blues to browns mixed with black and gold. In one of the versions being considered, little stones beneath Job’s hands were going to be printed in gold, but finally, they were kept yellow in keeping with the clean style of the design.